Business of Fashion
“Voices From The Black Fashion Community on Moving Forward”
June 2020 > Read Article <
From The Article: Can you share an example of a person or situation that demonstrated true allyship for you?
There is one designer, Laura Harrington, who has a brand called Fly By Night. I met her last year because I modelled her clothes and we talked about my podcast [which is about racism and allyship]. She’s since created an entire page on her brand website dedicated to allyship; it has a list of books she’s read, people she’s followed. She did this all on her own because she really cared. That’s how you translate true allyship. She did the work and is now sharing resources. — Polfliet
Mandy Gould, Group Creative Director
“As someone that worked side-by-side, day-in-day-out with Laura for the best part of 10 years, I feel as though I'm fairly well-equipped to provide an accurate insight into what to expect when working with her.
Laura is a visionary mastermind, constantly looking at unexpected and new ways to merge creativity with the needs and desires of clients and brands. She is incredibly hardworking, creativity charged and doesn’t stop pushing boundaries, resulting in projects that not only meet but exceed expectations.
Anyone that works with Laura will instantly witness her collaborative spirit and ability to inspire the team around her. Laura’s approach to creativity is contagious. She will undoubtedly bring passion, innovation, and professionalism to any project.
Laura has a very special super power, in that she can see the world in a way that only Laura can. She has has a very rare eye (no it's not glass or a special colour or anything like that - sorry, Laura) - but it does pertain supernatural abilities to seek details that no one else can, find creativity in the most unlikely places and spot opportunities for brands in the most game-changing spaces.
Her ambitions know no bounds and her openness, limitless. She is a creative wizard who could teach even the greatest a thing or two. In fact, the only reason I no longer work with Laura is because of the day the damn Atlantic Ocean decided to separate us, which coincidentally is when I decided the Pacific was my new favourite Ocean.”
Ad Age
“London Agency AnalogFolk Turns its Front Door into a Mural of Election Tweets”> Read Article <
“Laura Harrington on fostering community with other creatives”
October 2023 > Read Article <
Real Friends talk about Race (Book)
I was absolutely honoured to have been mentioned in Yseult P. Mukantabana and Hannah Summerhill’s best selling book ‘Real Friends Talk About Race’
“Revive and thrive: Creative Comeback sparks new skills and connections”
April 2024 > Read Article <
From The Article: Conceptual Art director Laura Harrington also applied to Creative Comeback to get back into the advertising game a mere six-weeks after giving birth to her youngest child. As a mother, Harrington wanted to set an example for her children and younger generations of women who might face similar situations in the future. “I want my kids to see they can have a family and still pursue their creative passions, just like I’m doing now,” she said.
Audra V. Pace, Creative Director
“Laura is a true talent. She brings wonderful creativity, ultra-premium taste, unexpected ideas and amazing work ethic to the table. We teamed up on a luxury spirits experiential project, and her taste and design sensibility in this area was so on point. Great with textures, references and details, but also so excellent at the bigger pitch challenge: telling a story and conveying an experience visually without being so on the nose as to ruin the magic.
It’s always a little nervy working with another creative for the first time— how will we get along? Will there be a battle of egos? Clashing tastes? Laura’s warm, welcoming, relaxed, and confident vibes made collaboration effortless; we were mind melding in no time. I hope I get the chance to coconspire with her soon…but in the meantime, you should try it. Five stars.”
The New York Times
“Vanessa Ray, of ‘Blue Bloods,’ on What Makes a Home”
April 2020 > Read Article <
Nylon Magazine
“Sustainable Swimwear”
July 2019 > Read Article <
InStyle Magazine
“14 Outfits That Look Even Better With a Headband”
April 2020 > Read Article <
Creative Brief
“Creative Equals expands returners programme into the US”
March 2024 > Read Article <
From The Article: “In short, it was epic. We bonded, we laughed, we learnt. From Adobe experts teaching us AI, to industry greats coaching us daily… my mind is clear and my ambition re-energized. For me, this course was groundbreaking. It reminded me that not only can I be a kick-arse mum, but also pursue my personal creative ambitions.”
Mila Golubov, Group Creative Director
“Laura is an endless well of fresh, fun ideas and a ball of energy to boot. She's smart, insightful and culturally curious. She pushes herself and others to find something new. It also doesn't hurt that she's an absolute pleasure to be around. Scoop her up while you can.”
“The Weekly Covet: Summer Wardrobe Staples”
July 2020 > Read Article <
Irish Independant
“Kit Kat call for Chunky votes battle”
Jan 2013 > Read Article <
The Drum
“Kit Kat Launches round two of Choose a Chunky Champion with 5M Campaign”
January 2013 > Read Article <
Nylon Magazine
“This Sustainable Label Creates Clothes From Movie Set Cast-offs”
July 2019 > Read Article <
From The Article: Fly By Night began when founder Laura Harrington, an advertising art director from the U.K., decided to pursue another passion: learning how to sew.
Learning by doing (and a lot of experimentation), Harrington began by making pieces out of whatever she could source around her. "Sounds a little unglamorous, but I was making pieces out of old shower curtains and whatever larger samples of fabrics I could get my hands on,"
Paul Mann, Creative Director
“I’ve worked with Laura in both an inside of work and an outside of work context, and her drive and positive energy are what define her. I honestly can’t remember a day when Laura didn’t come to a briefing/event planning session/whatever with a 120% can do positive attitude and frame of mind. And for me that is more than half of the battle. She always takes a step back, adds rational thought and where possible will spice up any approaches too. An absolute pleasure to have around any creative challenge you may have.”
Talking Retail
“Mr. Kipling launches ‘Little Treats for Little Prices’ Campaign”
Sep 2013 > Read Article <
“Connected Campaign of the Month”
Feb 2013. > Read Article <
“Kimberly-Clark launches cold and flu season campaign for Kleenex range”
Nov 2012 > Read Article <
Creative Equals
“Returning to the creative industry after a career break and unemployment can be difficult - an outdated portfolio, new industry tech, trends and terminology, and a worry that you’re just not good enough. The ad industry moves fast. Whether you’ve been out of work for 5 years or 6 months, you can feel left behind. But CV gaps mean you’ve been doing important things with life. Whether you’ve been caring for a child. Or a loved one. Or just taken some time out. All experience matters… it’s about what you do with it now. Creative Comeback NYC is a program made for returning creatives. Kicked off by Creative Equals in 2019 it’s an opportunity for women, non-binary and gender non-conforming folk to return to creative work.
Eva Delacruz, Art Director
“Laura is an amazing Creative. Her ability to find the core of the idea and push the right insights are so valuable. Her collaborative nature shined through when we worked on a Smirnoff brief together for CCNY. Her overall creative nature is something that can’t be taught.”
The Dots
“Adhertising X YCC”
> Read Article <
Katie Hunter-Waite, Workshop Mentor
“I had the pleasure of working with Laura during the Creative Comeback programme. Despite working with a challenging brief and in limited time, she bought a positive and cheery outlook to our team calls every day, which made them a joy to facilitate! As someone always willing contribute to discussions, and so generous with her time and ideas, I've no doubt Laura would be an asset to any creative team. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend hiring her!”